Sentiment Analysis: Understanding Intention Behind Reviews
Market Research

Sentiment Analysis: Understanding Intention Behind Reviews

In this article, we review the business upside of understanding what the intention behind every business-to-business review site is. We will mine former reviews out of review sites, and determine with sentiment analysis the product need and fallback.

  1. What is sentiment analysis and how is it applied in different fields?
  2. Why is sentiment analysis behind keywords important?
  3. What are the techniques used for sentiment analysis behind keywords and how effective are they?
  4. How can businesses benefit from sentiment analysis behind keywords and what are the challenges they may face?
  5. What are the limitations of the techniques used for sentiment analysis behind keywords and how can they be overcome?

While many articles explain why it is useful to understand product feedback and needs, we take a step forward and analyze its impact on the acquisition frontline for new customers.

We know how it works. Text sentiment is determined by analyzing the positive or negative meanings of words and phrases within it, using a dictionary that assigns sentiment scores. 

Buyer sentiment prediction behind keywords can become very profitable. Match that with a third-party data provider of people searching for review sites like G2, and main B2B events. Words can mean different things. We can learn many things about a product's perceived value segmented with language. 

Here are 5 use cases:

1. Relationship Intelligence

An extra layer of sales intelligence can be added by looking at emails, and sales call transcripts. To enrich customer health scores.

We've analyzed the sentiment in messages from managers to reps and found that while most comments were neutral in tone, when sentiment did occur it was overwhelmingly positive, with ten positive comments for each negative one. -

Best tool for this: Chorus Momentum

2. Competitive edge

Ultimately in a crowded market, customer experience gains relevance more than ever. Understanding sentiment from customer feedback can enable an excellent customer experience. Monitoring product usage, gathering customer feedback and measuring marketing engagement.

Best tool for this: Salesforce’s Radian6

3. Predicting future trends

By understanding the spectrum of emotions within customers, one can uncover insights about them. By allowing UX designers and product people to do so, they can understand future courses of action. It allows companies to plan their future strategy. 

Best tool for this: NetOwl

4. Market survey

We’ve made a brief mention of this in the introduction. Sentiment analysis allows companies to understand online reviews, and social media posts on their solutions category to understand the sentiment around different product qualities- to create a powerful value proposition around this.

Best tool for this: Qualtrics

5. Increase marketing performance

Why you had a drop-off in your landing page performance? You were doing some LinkedIn ads campaign, and suddenly your conversions got an interesting decline. But traffic didn’t. You then realize that There were negative reactions to your headings, there was something that prospects were not pleased with, that otherwise you wouldn’t realize by just looking at your LinkedIn ads group performance.

Best tool for this: Qualtrics


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