Klaviyo SEO Strategy: Leaders of Email Marketing Automation

Klaviyo SEO Strategy: Leaders of Email Marketing Automation

Explore the marketing automation space with Klaviyo's e-commerce SEO strategy, including its best-performing positions.

It might be one of the most value-driven software cultures out there. Starting with their BFCM report last year, users brought in an extra $2.2B from their tool.

In this article, we'll review the e-commerce marketing platform Klaviyo's SEO strategy, how it generates thousands of visitors to its blog page, and how they are able to establish thought leadership in this space.

We used Segment's piece to learn about SEO and its growth team.

We explored marketing automation:

SEO strategy

Customer experience is been largely adopted by leading eCommerce around the world. It means achieving a competitive advantage, over those that don’t.

Klaviyo’s best-performing positions are:

Klaviyo’s 30,000 members community ranks for:

Email Marketing Search Trends

How do people search for things like email marketing automation?

Mailchimp is the top result for the search term "email marketing", with Klaviyo ranking at 61. This means they may be missing out on almost 400,000 yearly searches. Our estimation suggests this number may even be over a million.

"Marketing automation" has over 177,600 yearly searches, and Mailchimp ranks 4th. Mailchimp owns the search terms "what is ecommerce" (ranking 4th) and "what is a crm" (ranking 8th). It is also ranking second for "email services” which contains 118.800 yearly searches.

Qualtrics ranks for "segmentation" with the same search volume as marketing automation. "Direct mail marketing”, “customer lifetime value”, ” all of them encompass more than 307,200 yearly searches.

At least, Klaviyo ranks 8th for “sms marketing”, with 64.800 yearly searches.

What about email deliverability

As their tool inherently uses email to personalize the experience and bring more cash. Mailchimp ranks for "bounce rate”, and “spam folder which brings 162,000 visitors a year.

We estimate there are 2,172,185.00 monthly searches for these terms.

How can Klaviyo outrank Mailchimp

At a deeper level, Mailchimp may be more successful due to their greater satisfaction with their product. This is not necessarily because Mailchimp has better features, but rather because they experience more conversions compared to Klaviyo. This could be attributed to their stronger branding efforts. Mailchimp has big brands linking them like Canva in their french article, “The Top 50 Free Design Newsletter Templates”.

A black box of search terms around marketing automation

There are countless search terms yet to be discovered for marketing automation solutions for eCommerce. Shockingly, some folks remain unaware of these solutions, even Mailchimp. We've sourced low-competition search terms around this category using some of the seed terms presented in this article. It is worth 3,891,276 uncovered monthly search volume.


For us to realize the complete scope of this content. We've taken the time to make different sorts of gap analyses.

List of domains:

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